So I was doing some research on Eating Disorders because I'm going to give a presentation on them in my mentoring class. My thoughts were that I will just use this mandatory presentation to educate the mentors on eating disorders. As I started researching I can't say that I was incredibly surprised by the statistics I found but they were pretty profound. I just wanted to share some of them with you.
Here goes nothing.
95% of those with an ED are between the ages of 12 and 26... I was 13 when I started to control my weight in an unhealthy way.
Over 50% of teenaged girls and 30% of teenaged boys use unhealthy weight control techniques. What does that mean? For example they might skip meals, fast, vomit after eating, take laxatives, or smoke cigarettes to suppress hunger.
Females ages 15-24 are 12 times more likely to die before the age of 24 than girls without an ED... THATS RIGHT... DEATH
Only 10% of people with EDs receive treatment..
Can you believe that stuff? It's absolutely insane.. Especially the last statistic about hardly anyone receiving treatment. I guess I believe it though.. I had an eating disorder for almost 5 years before I had the courage to tell someone. I was ashamed. I didn't want to be a disappointment. I'm sure that's how many people with eating disorders feel.. It's not a glamorous mental illness that everyone and their grandmother wants to have. It's stigmatized. I'm really proud of myself and anyone else who has sought guidance. It's hard but in my eyes it's the absolute best shot you have at recovery. BE BRAVE! Tell a loved on at least. Hopefully they encourage you to seek professional care. Remember, professionals are just that... they are professional! It is their job to help you, to make you feel safe. Trust them. Trust me. Get help. Make a better statistic...
This post was really just supposed to be a few facts about eating disorders and it turned into much more. The point is... Own your problems. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Do something worthwhile. Don't give up on yourself. Believe me I wanted to sometimes. But everyday since my recovery process started I've thanked myself for hanging in there. If I didn't I wouldn't be hear preaching to you.
You can do more than you already are. You can do whatever you REALLY want to... I know its a cliche, but it's the truth..
<3 a million times
ReplyDeletelove you ellie. Attention everyone, Elisheva played a pivotal role in my recovery. Theres always that one special person who lets you know that your problems are never to much to tell a friend. <3