Hiiiiiii :)
So its definently been to long since I have posted I I'm sorry! I've been extremely busy with school, work, crossfit, friends, and keeping in touch with family. That's the only excuse I have but in all honesty there were times when I had time to post but decided against it be cause I was pooooooped!
I'm still doing very well by the way! Still not bingeing or purging. Still exercising but not super excessively. Admittingly maybe a bit more than I should. But I was trying something new. I was trying crossfit 2 a days 6 days a week. Today before I started the WOD I realized that I've been doing to much and I will switch back to one crossfit workout a day! I've been experimenting with my body these past few months trying to decipher the optimal amount of exercise to give it per day. What I've found out thus far is my body cant handle 2 a days everyday and thats A-OKAY! Alright back to how I'm doing. I'm loving my body more and more each day. I've come to be comfortable in my own skin and it feels tremendous. If you aren't there right now I suggest you get there! I'm not telling you to diet harder or exercise like a goon. I'm just telling you to appreciate your body for what it is... beautiful. Thats right every body and everybody is beautiful no matter what size they wear. I finally understand what "more to love" means. Just because someone isn't incredibly fit doesn't mean that they are any less attractive. I used to be revolted by obese and some overweight people depending on how they were proportioned. Today I am attracted to people of all shapes and sizes. Sure my eyes still drift towards those hard bodies but the more I look at anyone of any size I see how attractive they are. Maybe you don't look like you want to. Thats fine. I guarantee if someone isn't as shallow and I used to be they will see your allure. Just know that no matter what you are one hot mama.
I guess what I'm saying is you never know who is looking at you. You never know the impact you have on someone's day just for being confident in your own skin, stretch marks or otherwise.
Love Always.
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