Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Attitudes, Coping, and La La Lapolis

Hey there!

Alright, close your eyes.. Just kidding. Keep them open or else you won't be able to read my typing. For real though. Remove yourself from reality... Feel yourself drift off into la la land. Feel big strong Pegasus wings sprout from your back and carry you away. Imagine all is right with the world. No one is struggling. No one is starving. There is no strife or surviving. All are thriving. No one is poor, no one is rich. The class system does not exist. Everyone is cheerful and nothing is wrong. In fact everything is going so smoothly that it seems as though everything should be said in song.

Doesn't this wonderland la la lapolis sound devine? Of course it does! By definition of la la lapolis nothing could possibly be wrong with anything! Does this simulation reflect reality at all?

Not really. We live on an everlasting roller coaster. We are constantly up or down. Happy or sad. Content or discontent. Relaxed or Stressed. Energized or tired. Perky or lethargic. The list continues. What I am getting at now is we all have good days and bad days. Days where we want to hug strangers and kiss an old lady on the cheek. We also have days where we want to stomp holes in the sidewalk or bend metal with our minds. We all have the good, the bad, and the ugly. That is life.

It's okay to be unhappy or stressed out. It's part of living. Part of human nature. And part of living in a world that is to crowded and to obsessed with urgency. The key is coping! COPING! It all comes down to how you cope with things.

No one is perfect. Not many people are perfect copers. I mean, look at me.. I developed an eating disorder because I couldn't cope with things. I couldn't cope with feelings or boredom. But you already knew that. Back to the real purpose of this entry.

It is wrong to take our stress out on others. It is wrong to bring people down just because you are down. These are basic principles that most respectable adults know but are sometimes forgotten.

If you are feeling stressed, delegate. If you are confused, think about it, talk about it. If you are overworked, take a day off, take a nap. REVAMP. If you are angry, let it out (but not on people who did not cause the problem). Also be careful not to project. Don't project your feelings on to others. Just because you hate your day doesn't mean I hate mine. Don't take your aggression out on innocent bystanders.

Basically we all have struggles. Big and small. Just remember, it could always be worse. Hang in there. If you're having a bad time just know that eventually it does get better.

Love Always.

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