Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Wait, That's Your Diet?

Hey good looking.

So, people tend to talk to me about their diets. I'm not sure why maybe it's just because they know that I am knowledgeable on the subject. I don't mind talking about it with them. It doesn't make me want to binge or purge or anything. It does make me concerned about their well being and their sanity. I know I'm just projecting emotions onto them because when I started focusing to hard on my diet and exercise I developed an eating disorder. Just because they start to diet doesn't mean that they will slip down the slope that it disordered eating. I try to distance myself from the diet talks. I just kind of state insignificant facts and skirt around the conversation.

I believe in Intuitive Eating. You eat when you're hungry. You don't just eat when you're bored. You eat what you crave and you wont go balls out every time you eat a forbidden food. For example, some people say "I don't eat ice cream because it's bad for me." If you were intuitively eating you wouldn't forbid a food. If you wanted it you would eat it. Then you wouldn't crave it so much. You also wouldn't say that a food is "bad" for you. No food is BAD. All foods have positive and negative qualities based on your goals.

There is tons of theories to Intuitive Eating and I highly recommend you read the book. Its great for if you're in recovery or just want to eat, be happy, and healthy.

To sum it up, You can talk to be about your diets. I might ask you if you have an eating disorder. I will call you out if I see some red flags. I will do my best nip any eating disorders in the butt. If you do decide to tell me about your diet. I will only help you be a healthier you. That could mean losing weight, gaining weight, or even maintaining your weight.


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