So last night I was scrolling through my phone just like almost all of my generation does every hour of everyday and I saw that a couple of my friends "liked" a post that I posted on the wall of an "Eating Disorder Support Page" where I was trying to promote my blog so that more people who need it could see it. I was shocked. I might even have gasped when I saw that I wasn't as sneaky as I first imagined. Those wall posts weren't really supposed to be seen by MY friends unless of course they just so happened to be on the page that I posted the promotion on.
Anyways, although I was a bit dumbfounded this new acknowledgement of my blog wasn't all bad. So what if my friends know that I have a blog? I don't care if they know that I struggled with an eating disorder. Spread the word about me having an eating disorder. I'm not ashamed. I'm proud of who I am and what I've gone through. This chapter in my life definitely tore me down. But without it I wouldn't have half the passion I do today. My blog is private sort of, but then again it's posted on the Internet for all to see. My thought process about this blog may have been a little skewed but over all my intentions for this blog have always stayed true.
The purpose of my blog is to spread awareness to those who don't think that eating disorders are around them and to those who think that having an eating disorder is a choice and that people use them to get the attention of others. That is not the root of many eating disorders. Some I'm sure, but not many. Another purpose of this blog is to give hope to people that are struggling with their own recovery. Everyone has their own struggles and none of them are easy to get through. If I can make any ones day a little bit brighter by reading my thoughts or my struggles then it was a post well written. For me writing is therapy. If you know me at all you know that I like to talk. I like to hear my thoughts out loud. It makes me know that they are real. It makes me accountable for the stream of consciousness that is constantly flowing through my brain. Sometimes I will say a thought out loud and cringe because I know it's just illogical but that's what I was thinking so I may as well own it. Writing and typing is therapeutic. If you've ever seen any psychology professional they've probably told you to write a letter to someone you wanted to speak to but never send it. Been there, done that, and now I've gotten the courage to actually send my letters.
There's many more reasons that this blog exists but I won't bore you with all of them. I'm sure you get it. You're probably an intelligent lad. The point is I want to help and inform... Is that so much to ask? I didn't think so.
Also If your name is mentioned in my blog.. I'm sorry. I haven't decided if I want to name names or make up names. Just know that if you're in this blog you've effected me in some way. CONGRATS or thanks but no thanks for hurting my feelings. But we shall get to that later.
I hope you enjoy my blog. And learn a little something from the ED destroyer.
ED: 0 Bre: More confidence and bravery.
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