Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Recovered... vs. Recovering.


I write this post from the seat of an airplane so I haven’t the faintest idea of who is peaking over my shoulder reading this… But I’m cool with it. Keep reading!

Anyways, I recently posted a status about this being my semi anniversary of doing CrossFit! People seemed to like it so I decided to write a more lengthy post about the matter. Plus, If you know me at all you know that talking about CrossFit is no chore for me. J

So in in June of 2013 the Saturday after I turned 19 I walked into CrossFit Alaska for the first time.  Going in I knew that Crossfit would become important to me but I had no idea that it would change me, change my life, and change my views. The day I walked though those doors I had joined a band of true athletes and true human beings. Some crossfitters don’t appricate crossfit being called a cult. I like it! Why not call it a cult. We may as well be blood brothers. The second you walk into a good crossfit box and make a commitment to yourself you have made a commitment to everyone else in that gym. By you saying, “I want to be faster. I want to be better. I want to feel good. I want to throw my grandkids over my shoulder. I want to get a strict pull up. I want to run a sub 7 min mile.” You are making a commitment to help everyone else in that gym reach their goals. Crossfit isn’t a bunch of meat heads trying to get their heart rate up and their body fat percentage down. It’s a family, a clique, a crowd, a lifestyle, a drill sargent kicking your ass just hard enough to break you. Break you. Change you. Make you better.

Anyways, now that I’ve been crossfitting for about half a year and “recovered” from my ED for about 9 months I know that it’s like to be healthy. I can eat pie for lunch and not feel guilty. I can be told by a nurse that I shouldn’t workout for a few days and not bust into tears. I can eat with friends and not think about whether or not a food is a “good” purge food or not. Good purge foods are foods that come up easy when you purge. Something that takes longer to digest. After all the point of purging is to get rid of the calories before they are metabolized. Anyways. The point is that I don’t have to think about that anymore. All this is due to recovery. And to Crossfit. You might be wondering why “recovered” is in quotations. It’s because someone with an eating disorder is never recovered. I will always be IN recovery. I will have good days and bad days. I will have strides and set backs. There will be days where I love my body and days where I don’t. But being IN recovery is a whole lot better than not being in recovery.

My life is about progress. All I want to do is better myself. If I’m doing that then all is well.

Merry Christmas Eve everyone J

And remember. Just love. 

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