So this past week was absolute academic insanity. I had three papers, three quizzes, two exams, and probably other things I've blocked out of my mind because I just cant think about them anymore. All the CRAP I listed above was due in the same week.
Granted, I should've started writing those 5 page research papers earlier butttt I was just to busy living my life! To busy doing everything I wanted to. Looking back I'm alright with the somewhat stressful week I had because I still got to let out my frustrations at Crossfit. I was alright with the somewhat stressful week I had because I had friends and even family my family in Alaska to support me. I am truly blessed.
Anyways.. I just wanted to point out how terrible my week would've been if I was still binging and purging like 5 times a day. There would have been NO time for me to accomplish everything I wanted to. For me, the whole binging and purging cycle took on average 45 minutes. That's like 4 hours of my day spent stuffing my face and then gagging over a toilet.. what? you didn't like that image? Well, me either.. That's why I needed to change. Instead of stuffing and gagging I went through my week like a normal person. I wrote until a couldn't anymore and then I took a break whether it be cuddling with a friend, chatting with a friend, wrestling my roommate, checking social media, watching Netflix, taking a walk, going to the gym even if it was just for half an hour, or lifting heavy things at Crossfit. What I didn't do when I was stressed and needed a break was eat. Food is comforting sometimes. But you know what isn't comfortable? having an eating disorder. That's not comfortable in the slightest. Stress induced eating is a few steps maybe even a leap away from disordered eating. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Welp, that's about all I have for now. Thanks for always being there guys... Just seeing that people are actually reading my blog gives me a tremendous feeling of accomplishment. Just knowing that people care how I'm doing or just want to see what others are going through on the daily makes me grin.
Although I probably only know about half of the people who read my blog just know that you are appreciated. You make my days even better.
Love <3
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