I'm really excited about starting this blog. I made it last night and was to tired to actually write something worth reading. Usually I would write something super upbeat and inspirational for my first post. In a perfect world I'd get you excited about learning to love yourself. But this morning I'm not quite feeling super upbeat and inspirational. I'm going to be very honest on this blog because if I wasn't it wouldn't be doing me or anyone else any good.
I think being honest is a huge part of eating disorder (ed) recovery and learning love and lust yourself. If you're lying to yourself and others you won't get anywhere. Even little white lies like when someone asks, "How are you doing?" and you say "Oh! I'm doing well." If you are not doing well you shouldn't lie and say that you are. Be honest with them. Tell them that today is a rough body day tell them that you are frustrated because you're wearing shorts and when you walk you feel your thighs touching. The person asking you the simple question of "How are you doing?" may or may not want to hear all of that but its whatever. YOU feel better from getting that off your chest, maybe a little embarrassed but you're proud of your piercing honesty.
You: 1, ED: 0
Be honest and feel the empowerment.
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